
Julia's first Christmas as a homeowner and her journey on how she got there.

Habitat ReStore
Discover the inspiring stories of Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North volunteers celebrating 20 years of dedicated service. Read more here!

Habitat ReStore
For two decades, Keith has dedicated his time and energy to Habitat for Humanity, contributing an astounding 20,000 hours of volunteer work.

Learn more about future Habitat homeowner, and his twin sons. Discover their journey before Habitat and how sport bonds the family together.

Habitat ReStore
The party was a perfect blend of fun, laughter, and friendly competition, bringing together staff and volunteers from both Comox Valley and Campbell River.

International Build
Our Director of Family Services visited Habitat for Humanity Thailand. Learn about their operations, and groundbreaking approaches with sustainable building.

Love is truly found in the 24662.67 hours people volunteered in 2023. Read our Volunteer Managers' story and her love letter to our volunteers.

Our lives have changed forever with secured, affordable housing. After being renovicted, having our rent double in the past four years, I'm relieved I don't have to worry about housing anymore.

Love is shown in many forms, but when total strangers make the choice to help other total strangers, it's love. Read Michelle and Eric's story and their thank you to the community here.