Affordable housing projects
With the help of volunteers, donors and Habitat homeowners, we build decent and affordable homes. We don’t give away free homes - the people who partner with us pay an affordable mortgage geared to their income and volunteer 500 hours with us. Our model of affordable homeownership bridges a gap for low-income, working families by providing them with the opportunity to purchase their own homes.

Current project
Upcoming projects
Completed projects
477 Hilchey Road, Campbell River (2017-2021)
11 homes
1330 Lake Trail Road, Courtenay (2017-2021)
10 homes
Dalton/Westgate, Campbell River (2016-2017)
2 homes
Hilchey Road, Campbell River (2015)
2 homes
Piercy Avenue, Courtenay (2013-2014)
6 homes
Maple Road, Campbell River (2009)
2 homes
Willemar Avenue, Courtenay (2007)
2 homes
26th Street, Courtenay (2006)
2 homes
Willemar Avenue, Courtenay (2004)
2 homes