Apr. 26, 2017

The Sisters

It's not often that volunteers come as a pair, and it's even rarer for them both to be as dedicated and passionate as Marilyn Robb and Paula Sheedy. Marilyn and Paula--known collectively as "The Sisters"--started with Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North in 2012 and have since put in over 2000 volunteer hours. They've volunteered with Habitat in almost every capacity: at the build, ReStore, Prefabrication Shop, and on committees. The sisters first came to us interested in building, but have since become an integral part of our Restore team in between build projects. Marilyn sits on our Family Selection Committee and Paula serves on our Build Committee. They are also active recruiters; pre-build you may seen them hanging out at a local grocery store or in the Restore, talking to people about joining our build team. They are seldom seen apart, and if one of them shows up without the other, she is greeted with "Where's your sister?" They are enthusiastic and engaging, and both of them have a wonderful sense of humour. [gallery type="rectangular" size="large" ids="https://www.habitatnorthisland.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/sisters_prefab.jpg|,https://www.habitatnorthisland.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMR_7297-5x7-1.jpg|,https://www.habitatnorthisland.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMR_5809-5x7-1.jpg|,https://www.habitatnorthisland.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMR_7287-5x7-1.jpg|,https://www.habitatnorthisland.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/IMR_7311-5x4.jpg|"] According to Lorraine Holden, our Volunteer Manager, The Sisters' enthusiasm is infectious: "I have had other volunteers ask what day 'The Sisters' are going to be at the build site, as their presence always ensures an enjoyable day of work. They are unmatched in their support of this organization and as the Volunteer Manager I know I can reach out to them with just about any task that we need help with and they are game!" Paula and Marilyn both take ukulele lessons and arranged for their group to attend our build site and perform. They even wrote a song just for Habitat!

The Habitat Worker

Lyrics by Habitat volunteers Paula Sheedy and Marilyn Robb (Sing to the Tune of ‘Do Your Ears Hang Low') Can you hammer in a nail? Can you saw a piece of wood? Are you handy with a drill? Can you use it like you should? Can you climb up a ladder? Can you shovel lots of dirt? Can you get more paint on walls, Than what slops upon your shirt? The Habitat worker can do all of these things each and every day. When a family needs a home. When the word is shouted out. Volunteers become a team, to bring it all about. When all is said and done, there is even time for play. And at the end of the Build we all shout OYAY! Paula and Marilyn were also in a Shaw TV feature in 2015, where they talked about their experience volunteering on the Habitat build. 2015 feature on The Sisters from Shaw TV
Do you want to join Paula and Marilyn by volunteering on our current Habitat build? We would love to have you! Contact us at volunteer@habitatnorthisland.com or (250)-830-1493 Ext. 223, or directly schedule yourself for a shift.