Aug. 02, 2016

Credit Union Given Credit for Community Effort

The two soon to be completed Habitat for Humanity homes in Campbell River, and the 14 other homes that the non-profit organization has constructed on the North Island since 2004, will forever stand as a testament to volunteer spirit, generosity and community collaboration. One of the many local companies that provide ongoing support to Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North Affiliate builds is Coastal Community Credit Union (CCCU).

Through CCCU’s Building Healthy Communities Fund, Habitat for Humanity received a $20,000 donation. The contribution was equally divided between the Campbell River build and the upcoming 11-unit Lake Trail project in Courtenay.

Allyson Prescesky, CCCU’s manager of community experience and communications, explains that the fund is for one-time donations and social enterprises that provide direct benefit to local communities.

“With both the ReStores and build projects, Habitat for Humanity fits well with our fund criteria,” says Prescesky. “There is also an important link between the credit union and offering financial services to get people into their own homes, to improve their financial health. We have done various initiatives with Habitat over the years. We were involved in the Women Build on Piercy Avenue in Courtenay, and we have helped with past builds in Campbell River.”

CCCU’s generosity provided them the opportunity to work together on the Campbell River construction site for a ‘Team Build Day.’

“I have an incredible job, to be able to play a part in touching so many people’s lives.” Reports Prescesky. “Participating in a Habitat Team Build is an incredible experience. Hearing the stories of the families in the homes and how they bond to create a sense of community is gratifying. The words of my co-worker, Dale Henderson, truly sum up what it is like to volunteer on a Habitat build site, and why we elected to make the donation to Habitat for Humanity VIN.”

“We sit in an office each day, and use our minds to help our members improve their financial health,” describes CCCU Regional Manager, Dale Henderson. “When our staff participated with our build day, we found ourselves using our hands and our backs to help someone greatly improve their financial health. It was pouring rain the entire day, we were outside moving dirt, building decks, and up on scaffolding pounding nails. It didn't matter how cold and wet we were. We were working side-by-side with Melissa Hamstra, who was putting in her sweat equity hours to earn the down payment for her Habitat home. Hearing her story, and literally watching her achieve her dream of homeownership, to secure the future for her young family was amazing. We all left at the end of the day with a different perspective on the value of volunteering, and a sense of pride in our community spirit. What a difference a day makes.”

To inquire about a Team Build for your company or community organization, contact Tom Beshr, Resource Development, at 250-792-4810 or email tom@HabitatNorthIsland.com.